Wizard of Oz Family Discussion Guide

Does your family enjoy Family Movie Nights?  I love settling down and watching a movie with the kids.  Some of my favorite movie nights are the movies I saw as a child. Watching my kids see a classic for the first time is exciting and for me, like seeing it again with...

Setting Summer Goals With Your Kids

I am a huge goal-setter and list-maker.  I love having a plan and knowing where I am going . . . well, most of the time.  One thing I have never done, however, is write goals with my kids. Being a big believer in letting kids be kids, I didn’t want to overwhelm...

Stop Thumb Sucking

Do you have a thumb sucker in the house?  We did until up until a couple months ago.  My daughter sucked her thumb only at night when she was holding her sweet teddy bear, the trigger. I couldn’t bear the thought of taking away her beloved teddy so I tried...

8 Lessons Learned from 3 Days in Bed

Aside from two doctors appointments, I have been in bed for the last three days.  Minutes, hours and days in bed.  Even today, I am improving but after getting breakfast for the kids, I felt the need to go back and lay down. You see, I have a herniated disc in my back...