7 Days of Creation in Legos - Day 7 - God Rested

It is the final day in our Creation in Legos series.  And while on the 7th Day God rested, we still have one last item to build . . . a throne.  If you’re joining us for the first time, you can find Day 1 here. The Lego set we are using is no longer available on Amazon but this classic set (affiliate link) is just like it, only larger.

Let’s Read our Passage:

“Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the severnth day he rested from all his work.  And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”  Genesis 2:1-3

Let’s Build!

lego throne - day 7

how to make a lego throne - bricks needed


We have two different ways to build the throne.  See the step by step images below or watch the video.


Can’t see the video?  Go here.

lego throne 1

lego throne 2lego throne 3 lego throne 4 lego throne 5 lego throne 6 lego throne 7

lego throne


Talking Points for Day 7:

  • A day of rest is a pattern God has set.  What does a day of rest mean for us?
  • Do our minds and bodies need time for rest?
  • Sunday is our day of rest.  What are we supposed to do on this day?  How can we follow His example?


The 7 days of creation in legos - Day 7 God Rested

<< Day 6

See the whole Creation Series in Legos at a glance.

creation for kids series logo 2

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