Check out this fun game for a child’s birthday party. You can tailor it to fit any age and any group. It is called, “TABLE OF PRIZES.” (Did you hear the booming announcer’s voice?)
My cousin has played this game for her kids’ birthday party the last couple years. But the history goes back further than that. Her own dad used to run it for many of her childhood parties. And now the tradition continues!
It is a trivia game where the child who answers quickest and correctly goes up to the TABLE OF PRIZES (did you hear it this time?) and selects a prize. Depending on the age of group, you could ask questions of nursery rhymes, Disney characters, riddles or anything at all. This year, my cousin had someone pull names out of a hat and invited three children up at a time for the opportunity to answer the trivia. The children stayed up front until they answered a question.
In the end, all the children went home with a prize. It was super fun, although some kids had a tough time selecting which cool prize to take. It was cute to watch the internal struggle. My daughter went through a couple things before settling on a little bottle of red nail polish (who knew that kids’ nail polish lasts longer than adult polish).
Hmm, I bet this would be a hoot if you ran this game at an adult’s birthday party too. Just come up with fun trivia, clever prizes and watch the competitive streaks come out. I would love it!
Thanks for sharing this on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you’ll be back again this week with some more great ideas!