Setting Summer Goals with Your Kids - Free Printable

I am a huge goal-setter and list-maker.  I love having a plan and knowing where I am going . . . well, most of the time.  One thing I have never done, however, is write goals with my kids.

Being a big believer in letting kids be kids, I didn’t want to overwhelm them or go crazy with a long list of goals.  But since it is summer and we’ll enjoy so much freedom, I thought we’d work together to pick out 5 simple goals.  (I think my 6 year old son is ready for this, more so than my 4 year old daughter.  But she’ll want to do what her big brother does, of course.)

We will be setting goals in these areas:  intellectual, physical, spiritual and service, plus an extra learning quest for fun.

My Summer Goals..

Download the FREE Printable and read the rest of the post (including tips for setting goals with your kids) at Motherhood On A Dime where I am guest posting today.

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