This week I send my firstborn to Preschool.  Sigh.  He is ready.  I am not.

I will be the mom with the camera.  I will be the mom waving good bye.  And yes, I will be the mom fighting back tears and probably bawling when I get back in the car.

Sweet Boy is going to a great preschool.  I know he will love being there and love his teacher.  But I keep thinking that this is the beginning.  This is the beginning of hours and then days away from me.  This is the beginning of SCHOOL!  15 years of it.  And then he is off to college!  (Don’t leave baby, don’t leave!)

I can accept that this is a part of life.  This is a part of growth as a child and individual.  I can actually be excited for what he will learn and experience (especially knowing how much he loves learning anything related to alphabet, numbers, colors or shapes).

But my true confidence is in the fact that though he is away from me, the Lord is not away from him.  That His watchful care accompanies Sweet Boy wherever he goes.

This is true for my child entering his first year of preschool as much as it is true for your child whether in preschool or high school.  So today, I will celebrate a new stage in my Sweet Boy’s early childhood.  I will celebrate his growth and I will celebrate that God knows his name and the crying mama in the car.