Save Your Kids' Favorite Summer Memories - free printable

Summer is ending.  School is starting.  I want to treasure all of our special moments from the summer . . . like the kids’ first trip to Niagara Falls, our annual Ice Cream Day, raising caterpillars into monarchs and my daughter learning to ride a bike.

Let’s think back on the best moments of our summer with the kids.  I love recording the fun things we did, hearing what the kids loved most and remembering our crazy outings (like 5 ice cream shops and 4 playgrounds in one day).  And incidentally, thinking back through all the fun causes me to focus less on the negatives of the summer like 12 days of fevers, vomiting and unpleasant dispositions (just keeping it real!).

 Read More and Grab the Free Printable at Motherhood On A Dime where I am guest posting today.