pi day party

Back in January, Dan asked me if I wanted to host a Pi Party.  Well, all the boy had to do was mention the word “party,” and I was in!

If you’re trying to figure out what I am talking about, remember back to the mathematical symbol for 3.141592….You know the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.  Ok yeah, I forgot that part too, but let’s get back to PARTY.

Pi is 3.14 or if you think of it in terms of the calendar, it becomes March 14th.  What a lovely reason to celebrate (or maybe I should say nerdy reason)!  Either way, count me in.

What do you do at a Pi Day Party?

Invite your guests and serve pie.  We started with burgers and hot dogs.  Our guests each brought a side and a pie.

9 Adults, 12 kids and 6 pies.


I made little “Cutie Pi” stickers for the kids and “name labels” for the adults.  I can’t quite call them name tags because they were in code.  Dan and I had a blast getting creative and thinking of Pi Tags for the grown-ups.  We either had fun with their names (Hope and Lydia) or pulled from our knowledge of our guests.  For example, one mom loves chicken pot pie while her husband does not.  Another is on paleo…


Of course, I used my wonderful Silhouette Cameo, for all the pie/pi fun!




We scoured the internet for Pi sayings and pulled from our favorites for the table:

Pi Day Party - Pi Phrases


Dan also put together a playlist of songs with the word, “Pie” in them.  Did I marry my match or what?  He is so fun!

Next time March 14th rolls around, will you be throwing a Pi Party?  -Hope you’ll invite me!

Check out other fun Party Themes here.