celebrating the bizarre holidays of march-1

One thing I love to do is celebrate.  I am easily thrilled by making a fuss over something that really may be nothing at all.  To take something silly and make it a big deal.  For my family, it adds a little creativity, fun and magic to everyday life.

I am often on the lookout for a wacky or bizarre holiday.  I have thrown a puzzle party on National Puzzle Day.  We have delivered an ice cream social care package on National Ice Cream Social Day.  It is these sort of random celebrations that we delight in honoring.

If you would like to join us this month, I have put together a little list of fun, wacky or bizarre holidays for March.  Let me encourage you to pick even just one day and celebrate it with your kids.  Who knows, you may start a new household tradition.

Bizarre Holidays of March . . . >>To read the fun list and pick your day to celebrate, head to Motherhood On A Dime where I am guest posting today.