This adorable Tea Party Birthday comes from Marcy T. She was celebrating her daughter, Gabriella’s 8th birthday. I love her decorations and they could easily transfer to bridal or baby showers and other parties. Let’s take a look at what Marcy did.
Sharing the Theme: Marcy used this theme for both the family party and the children’s party. The little girls spent most of their time at a local tea room (how fun!). And in keeping with their family tradition, Gabriella chose the not-so-tea menu for the family party, which included: homemade chicken nuggets, tacos, cooked carrots, mashed potatoes and homemade macaroni & cheese! Whew, I’m tired just thinking of all that cooking. Guests also enjoyed raspberry iced tea garnished with fresh raspberries and mint iced tea with fresh mint leaves.
The Sweet Treats:
A Tea Pot Cake made by a local home baker. The tea pot is chocolate and the table is yellow cake.
Mini Oreos dipped in Colored Chocolate & Glitter Sprinkles.
Marshmallow Pops dipped in White Chocolate & Sprinkles. Marcy had a great tip for making these. While the marshmallow pops are drying, stick them in floral foam to avoid bumping or having to set them down.

Below are the clever tea pot invitations for the children’s tea party (Etsy shop) and the Happy Birthday Banner made by Marcy. The girls’ favor bags included: an antique tea cup, chalk shaped like tea pots and tea cups, a headband with a customized flower and a tutu poof wand.
The table setting is great. I would love to know how to make the flower pods in the plates.