One day, we were on a historical field trip. I love field trips and the opportunity to see history come alive. Well, it just so happened that down the street from where our field trip was taking place, I knew of a new Hobby Lobby that had opened its doors.
A new Hobby Lobby.
Just down the street!
Do you know where I’m going with this?
Of course when the educational part of our day wrapped up, I wanted to stop at my favorite store and shop a bit. I mean who does not love to spend an hour (or two) in Hobby Lobby? Well . . . my son.
In hopeful anticipation of enjoying some time shopping, I knew I had to get clever and keep the kids (my son in particular) occupied. So I whipped up a Scavenger Hunt for the kids to do while we breezed up and down the aisles of home décor, crafts and so much more. And do you know what? The kids had fun! It kept them busy and I was able to shop without complaints. It was a win-win!
If you would like to download the free scavenger hunt, just sign up below!