back to school prayers by subject

Last week, we prayed through 12 Scriptures and prayers for for our kids as they returned back to school.  This week, we’ll be praying by classroom subjects.  We’ll look both at the academic side and the spiritual impact we desire for our kids.

Remember, prayer is effectual!  We can pray generically over a situation or we can pray specifically.  God hears and He answers.   I was amazingly encouraged a few weeks ago when I had prayed very specifically for Dan and found out later in the day that God answered that exact prayer with a comment made by another person.

Whatever we or our children are facing, we can take it to the throne!  Is your child struggling with a certain subject?  Be sure to cover them in prayer.  Are they having trouble focusing during school?  Pray about it.  Even the smallest detail of our lives isn’t deemed too insignificant by the Heavenly Father who loves and cares for us.  (<click to Tweet)

Back to School Prayers by the Subject:

Mathematics  – Lord, give my child a mind to understand math, logic and reasoning.  Help him to work through problems, to persevere when he struggles and to find excitement when he discovers answers.

Help him to see structure and order not only in math, but in the world you created.  Strengthen his logic, reasoning and perseverance as he faces situations that would challenge him to give up.  Give him endurance as he may learn difficult concepts in and out of the classroom.


Science – When my child examines the world you created, may she feel great awe.  Let her find joy as she discovers that creation reveals your eternal power and divine nature (Romans 1:20).

Help her to understand physical laws, grasp scientific concepts and retain what she learns.  Give her excitement to learn more about the world you created.

If she faces teaching that opposes you and your Word, let her dig in and study.  Let her find that science and faith do not oppose, but rather converge.   May her confidence in the truth of the Bible and faith in Jesus be strengthened daily.

And just as science studies the world based on experiments and observation, may my child’s time with you build an aresenal of experiences that she can look back on and know without doubt that you exist and reward those who seek you (Hebrews 11:6).

romans 1.20

Language Arts – Lord, give my child not only a love for learning, but also for reading.  As he reads, encourage his imagination, increase his comprehension, teach him valuable lessons and thrill him with new discoveries.  Make him a life-long reader.

Help him to grow as a strong speller and to understand the logic of English.  Help him to think creatively when he writes and strengthen his ability to effectively communicate.

As my child grows, make him a communicator of your grace and mercy to others.  May he see language as a tool to reach others for your Kingdom.


Geography – As my child learns about countries, nations, mountains, rivers and more, may she again, see the beauty of the world you created.  Strengthen her memory to retain what she learns about the physical world, but also give her a love for the nations and a heart to reach other cultures for Christ.


Social Studies – Father, as my child learns about relationships and the way that our society works, help him to know that you are the one we look to for guidance as to what is best for us and our culture.  You are creator and as creator, you are the law-giver and truth-setter.  Help my child to understand what it means to be in healthy relationships and strong community.  Bless him with good examples he can learn from and give him a respect for our country and those who serve it.


History – Lord, give my child a respect for the past.  Help her to learn from our ancestors, their mistakes and their successes.  Draw her in to the stories of those who came before us.

Give her a love for Your Story.  May she love learning and studying the Bible.


Music & Art – Father, help my child to find joy in the freedom and creativity of the arts.  Let this be an outlet for fun, imagination and an expression of feelings and ideas.  Give him courage to dream and try new things.  If this is a natural talent for him, help him to grow in it.  Ultimately, may all gifts and talents be used to glorify you.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What subjects and prayers would you add?  

>Check the last post in this series:  Back to School Prayers for Your Kids (12 Scriptures and prayers)

>Next Post in this series:  Back to School Prayers for Moms

Next Monday, we’ll wrap up our Back To School series with prayers for you, the mom.  Hope you’ll come join us!


And incidentally, I stumbled on this website about science and faith.  What I checked out, I really liked: