The feelings of accomplishment and productivity simply make me giddy. I have great satisfaction when I can scratch something off my list (ok, one of my lists). But often, when I only have 10 minutes before I have to leave the house or start something, I am my most unproductive self. I just putz around waiting. How about you?
Here are 10 Tasks for Times When You Only Have 10 Minutes:
1. Go through your contacts in your cell phone. Delete those you no longer need. Fix any that didn’t transfer correctly from your last phone or need to be merged.
2. Go through your inbox and delete, delete, delete (or move to other folders). Mine are out of control! 10 minutes here and there will be a great start. I just read this post from Power of Moms about organizing your inbox. Great ideas to try.
3. Check your inbox for newsletters, store notifications or other solicitations from which you can unsubscribe.
4. Clean a toilet or two.
5. Add family and friends’ birthdays to your digital calendar. Make a point to send a text, email or call them on their special day.
6. Move fast and clutter clean two rooms.
7. Attend to the kitchen sink. Load or unload your dishwasher. Knock off a couple hand-wash only items. Sanitize the sink.
8. Throw in a load of laundry. Meanwhile wipe down your laundry room sink.
9. Memorize a Scripture verse. There is great blessing in this! I’m currently working in James.
10. Make a couple batches of spice mix. Here is my favorite spice rub recipe. It is great on pork medallions, in turkey burgers or just about anything else. I usually make 3 batches at a time and love having it on hand. Combine the spices in a small jar or resealable bag. It will keep for up to 3 months. (I use one batch for 2.5 pounds of ground turkey.)
Pepper & Herb Rub (adapted from Light Cooking)
3/4 tablespoon garlic salt
1 tablespoon dried basil leaves
1 tablespoon dried thyme leaves
1 1/2 teaspoons cracked black pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons dried rosemary
1 teaspoon paprika
What are your quick hit tasks?
Clock Photo Source: DuBoixMorguefile
Are you seriously working in James? That’s too funny – we are too! Great minds… (;
I recently did Beth Moore’s Bible study on James. One of the challenges is to memorize the book. I’m not quite where I hoped to be by now, but still working on it. 🙂
Cleaning out my purse if I’m waiting somewhere (or on someone).
That should be added to the list! My purse is ALWAYS in need of being cleaned out.
Great list!
A great list of simple to-do’s that often frustrate us because we just never get to them!
I would add empty/load dishwasher and do a few yoga type stretches to help keep you limber and awake.
Yikes…I’m so guilty of ignoring #2…my inbox can get downright scary! Great list!
Great list! Sometimes it can be overwhelming to do something in 10 minutes. Having a 10 minute list to begin with can help.
I would add in clean out the car. I have 5 kids, and they’re always bringing toys in the car, or there’s wrappers. I sometimes forget to take camping chairs out and put them away. Just a bunch of little things that can be done in 10.
Great one! My car is often a disaster.
Clean out the microwave.
Straighten couch cushions, throw pillows and area rug in the living room.
Make a bed.
Vacuum one room.
Use a white “magic eraser” sponge to clean a wall.
Sort socks.
Water potted plants.
Feed pets.
Great ideas, thanks!!
Great tips! I usually do something in my kitchen when I have only a few minutues: sweep, wipe smudges from the glass door, put up clean dishes, wipe down the counters, take inventory of the pantry/refrigerator & write down needed items on the dry-erase board, etc.
That is a good list. Once I timed myself emptying the dishwasher and it only took two minutes. I had to stop making excuses after that. Maybe I should time myself folding laundry next, since I’m always behind there.
Great list. I’d throw in there fold a load of laundry and clean off the top of the desk.
These are great tips. My quick hit tasks are usually dishes, because my sink is never empty(I don’t own a dish washer) and then just putting stuff back where it belongs. We have a basket for everything around here for quick pick up and then I sort through the basket when I have more time. Found you through the Tip me Tuesday.
I love this, I try to squeeze in productivity as much as possible! I’d love for you to add it on my link party at: http://printabelle.com/?p=3717 Thanks!