Today, I wanted to share a great picture from my cousin. This is how she found her son while she was working on dinner one night. I love it! Can you relate?
Having little kids can be crazy. Messes will be made. Walls will be painted. Tears shed (by the kids and the moms!). But don’t forget these days will one day be memories to be looked back upon . . . and missed. So laugh at the mess and enjoy today.
I remember when my girl was 6, she was so quiet in her room I went to see what she was up to. She had a pair of scissors and carved her initials in big giant letters all over the front of my beautiful cherry dresser. I was so mad I had to leave the room for a moment! Now she is married and I look at that dresser, in my junk room, at the giant J’s and W’s and smile. 🙂
Hilarious and sooo cute!
Love it! It’s crazy how fast kids get in to trouble when you turn your head 🙂