A couple weeks ago, my husband celebrated his 20th year High School Class Reunion. It was an enjoyable evening. Dinner at a golf course, old friends, fun photos and a great game. The game was the reunion game where you ask who has the most ___ or how many times you have ___. It was fun to hear about the people in my husband’s class (many of whom I know), but what made the game so clever were the prizes they handed out to the “winners.”
Each prize was coordinated to the question. For example, for the couple who had the most kids, they received energy drinks. For the person who had moved the most number of times (which was 17 by the way!), they received packing tape and “We’ve Moved” postcards. The classmate who did the game and prizes really thought it out and it made it so much fun! (Way to go, Dawn!)
Here was the list of questions and the prizes:
How Many . . .
– Times have you moved? (Packing Tape and “We Moved” Postcards)
– Children do you have? (Energy Drinks, Kids’ Cook Book and Magnets)
– Pets do you have? (Pet Treats)
– Times have you been pulled over? (Traffic Cone and a “Get Out of Jail Free” Card)
– Books have you published? (Giant Pen and Composition Notebook)
– Years have you been married? (Drink Mix, Cool Glasses and Candles)
– Broken bones have you had? (Band-Aids and a Sling)
– College degrees have you earned? (Write-on Graduation Cap, Pin and Fake Diploma)
– Years have you played in a band? (Blow-up Guitar, Guitar Sunglasses and Guitar Pen)
How old is your oldest child? (Hair Coloring Kit and a “Teenager” Mini Book)
How young is your youngest child? (Bottles and Children’s Health Book)
How far did you travel to get here tonight? (Toy Airplane and Dramamine)
Do you live a mile or two away? (Flip flops, Reflectors, Glow Sticks, Water and Bug Spray)
Where was your most exotic vacation? (Beach Bucket with Shovel and Lei)
Who has the coolest job? (Sunglasses, Kool-Aid and “Cool” Mints and Gum)
Do you have a class reunion coming up? Which contest would you probably win?
Need a game idea for a Grandparent’s Birthday Party? Check out this!
Love this idea . I think we are going to use this game for our upcomming 30th reunion. Thanks for idea. 🙂
So glad you liked it! Have a great reunion. 🙂
What a cute idea! Did you have a lot of guests? How was this game played…was it the DJ asking questions and giving out prizes, fill in the blank forms like a silent auction, some other creative method? 20th reunion coming up soon. Thanks!
Hi Danielle, I think it was only about 60-70 people. All the categories were listed out for each table (kind of like a preview). Then my husband (class president) asked the questions to the audience. It was fun to hear all the answers being shouted out . . . got to hear who else was close to the particular # of kids, etc. And it created great interaction among the large group. Then the winner walked up and claimed his/her prize from the ladies who planned the reunion. This way we all got to see and hear what the prize was. Have a great reunion!
awesome idea
using for 25school reunion
Will try this at my upcoming reunion. Thanks!
Any idea how to adapt this idea for a 50th (eek!) high school reunion??
Hi Pat! I would keep some of the questions the same (how many years married, how far traveled, number of times moved). But then change up some of the others. Instead of asking how many kids, I’d ask how many grandkids (inc oldest and youngest). Or who retired the earliest or has had their kids move back in with them, etc. Have a great 50th reunion!
What would you give for the most grandkids ? We are going to do whos been married the longest ? and give a ball and chain for that prize .. Any ideas on what to give for who married their high school sweetheart ? and who’s been married the most?
Hi Michelle – Hmmm… for most grandkids, I would do something that implies the need to rest like one of those sleep masks or earplugs. Or you could go to the side of keeping energy up and do an energy drink/bar. High school sweethearts – candles (keep romance alive), a cd of music from graduation time so they can relive when they fell in love… For who has been married most: I’m not sure if someone would want everyone to know if they’ve been married many times so think that one through so the person isn’t embarrassed. But if you know who the winner will be and they won’t care – give them a pair of scissors and a dollar bill to cut their money since divorce is costly.
also what would you give for the oldest grandchild and the youngest ?
Youngest grandkids – I’d give Chuck E. Cheese tokens. You would only need four or five and they give you those free little containers to hold them in. Put the coins in there. For oldest: How old could the oldest grandkid be? Maybe give something to keep the classmate cool with an older grandkid…cool pair of sunglasses.
Like this game & want to do this in October. Would like to have suggestions for prizes for kids moved back home and classmates recently married.
Hi Venida, For classmates with kids who have moved back home, I would do something along the lines of earplugs or sleepmask, a road map if they want to escape and get away or a bunch of real estate agents’ business cards (sell the house and kick out kids).
For classmates recently married, go romantic…candle, music…brochures for bed & breakfasts.
Have fun!!
Hi Kristen,
Love your idea and will be doing it at our 40 Year Class reunion this weekend. Let me pick your brain…We are adding a question. Tell us something that would surprise your classmates. Any ideas on what the prize could be?
Oh boy! You could get quite an assortment of answers. What about upcycling a child’s participation trophy and putting a new label on it with “Best Reunion Surprise.” Put it with those confetti poppers and a pack of balloons… or some sort of mask because depending on the surprise, they may not be able to show their face again (but that only works if it is more negative news). Or go to the glam side and dress the person in a fringe/feather boa and crown so they stand out the whole evening. A Light-up pin… Ha, that is what is coming to mind. Hope that helps. Please stop back and let us know how it goes. ~Kristen
im having a 10 year reunion with a group of ladies dat did a selfempowerment course
What fun questions could i ask
Do all guests get to participate, or is it just for classmates
Hi Theresa, I have done this twice now and we only had classmates respond. However, if there was no classmate to fit a particular question, it would have been opened up to spouses. Have a great reunion! Kristen