Dr. Seuss Party – The Food
Today, we’re talking about the food of the Dr. Seuss Party for my son’s preschool class. (If you missed the decorations, read this post.) I wanted to keep the food somewhat simple since the party was planned for after lunch . . . which meant a focus on desserts!
Part of the draw to these particular cupcakes was that on my last birthday, Dan gave me this Candy Cotton Candy Maker. I absolutely love it! It is fun for parties but also fun for the everyday. My favorite part is that you can use hard candy or cotton candy sugar in it. (Check out this post for what I did for my son’s circus birthday party. Yes, that is me!)
If you don’t have a cotton candy maker, simply pick up a container at the store and pull it apart to form the “hair.” This is something to be done right before the party, though. If you let it sit too long on the cupcake, it will look like a lump of blue sugar!

The Cake: I knew right away in the planning that I wanted to make a Cat in the Hat cake. But I also knew that given the kids’ cupcakes, I probably wouldn’t need to cut into the hat. But hey, I love having a freezer full of cake!
The cake is made with my Wilton 6 Inch Round Pansand is four “shaved” layers tall. I debated on fondant vs. buttercream but decided to go with what I know and avoided the fondant. Like the ladybug cake for my daughter’s last birthday, I don’t like to make red icing, so I always buy pre-made Wilton Red Icing. (Walmart and JoAnn’s carry it cheaper.)
I iced the entire cake in white Kid’s Buttercream from Little Cakes from the Whimsical Bakehouse. (They used to share the recipe on their website, but no longer. It is a great little book to own though.) Then, I scored lines on the cake by spinning my pedestal. Using the flat side of a Wilton tip #47, I piped on the red icing.
Because my edges weren’t as neat as I’d like, I piped on a line of stars using Wilton tip #21. Knowing what I know now, I think decorating the entire cake in stars with the Triple Star tip (#2010) would have been the best looking, even if more time consuming. But if nothing else, I wish I would have only piped lines of red stars as opposed to alternating red and white. It would have given the cake a cleaner look. (I’m such a perfectionist!)
To tilt or not to tilt: Well, truth be told when I started this cake, it was not tilting. However, as I iced the cake with the white buttercream, it began to tilt . . . and I went with it. More authentic, right?! I added a homemade cake dowel for support and was sure to snap pictures of it the night before . . . just in case it didn’t make it. But a night in the fridge helped firm it up and it sat perfectly for the party.

The Extra Sweets: In the two-tiered candy dish were miniature marshmallows on top and giant marshmallows on the bottom. The kids were quite excited about the gigantic marshmallows! I also set out a dish of Swedish Fish (One Fish Two Fish) that went quite quickly, primarily thanks to my son.

Wow! I think this drink would be a hit on my bar. I better buy cotton candy machines and make it a regular drink in our menu.
I love Dr Suess and your party ideas are awesome! And some look inexpensive to put together. Thank you for sharing. Every thing looks as cute as it can be!