When you hear markers, children and car in the same sentence, do you feel a little nervous?  Can these things really co-exist peacefully?  You bet!  

If you are in need of a distraction for your kids while traveling around, just hand them some WASHABLE dry-erase markers. Tell them that it is “Decorate Your Window Day” and have some fun.  

Car seats make this a little difficult.

Let your kids’ creativity hit the road.  Free-hand drawing is great for the imagination.  If however, they need some ideas, tell them to draw their favorite meal, plate and all…shapes, an animal for each letter of their name, a picture of their house or some routine.

Here’s a marker idea for the adults. 


 A fellow MOPS mom shared this fun tip:

She said if you ever see your phone number on the window of her car, don’t be alarmed.  She keeps a dry-erase marker in her car at all times.  If she’s talking on the phone with someone and needs to write down a phone number or something, she’s ready.  She puts the phone on speaker, drops it on the seat and with one hand on the steering wheel, uses the other hand to write on her car window.

Needless to say, be careful while you’re driving!  And watch for little fingers having fun erasing your reminder.  


If you haven’t entered the EXPO Washable Dry-Erase Pack Giveaway, go HERE.  The pack is valued at over $20 and the giveaway ends Tuesday, August 9th at 1pm EST.