It truly takes someone special to care for others. While in the hospital (yes, still here as of Thursday), I have seen amazing people caring for loved ones and strangers alike.
How many of us have heard that the nursing staff on a hospital floor can make or break the hospital experience? I have been blessed to have wonderful nurses who show they care, are willing to help in any way and have been so very kind.
If you are a nurse, thank you for all you do for your patients! And if you were one of my nurses, an especially big “Thank You!” You have made what hasn’t been the most desirable experience, a pleasant one.
Another group of people that have left an impression on me are the sweet ladies, whom I affectionately call the “Hospital Ladies.” I assume they could be related to a candy striper. These are older ladies, volunteers, who have stopped in simply to see if they could refill my water pitcher, ask if I’d like a crossword puzzle or sudoku or even a magazine. (I thoroughly enjoyed my Family Circle and Real Simple – great distractions.) Thank you for coming even when you weren’t being paid to be here and showing kindness to others.
The last two people I want to mention are my roommate, that I had for the first part of my stay and her husband who came to visit. Just thinking about them makes me want to tear up. My roommate was a sweet, elderly lady. I’m not sure what brought her to the hospital, but I do know that she dealt with dementia. Her husband was so precious to her. When he arrived in the morning, she expressed how glad she was to see him. He affectionately said, “You tell me that every morning.”
When they were talking with the doctor, her husband expressed how he would watch her very carefully, even pulling out a long list of medications and discussing each one. I was so impressed by the detail of the care he gave her. In the midst of the difficulty that dementia can be, he demonstrated the continuous loving care that, I imagine, he committed to her in their vows. Wow!
And I can’t finish this post without thanking all those who called, texted, visited or prayed for me. I have felt the Lord’s care through you. During this whole process, I have known His presence and His peace. Trusting that He is in control, that He knows exactly where I am . . . even down to my room number…. and I am so very grateful.
Update: After a lot of tests, including an upper GI and a colonoscopy, they have determined . . . it was a virus.
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