I once heard it said that going on vacation for a mother of young children, is doing the same thing you do every day… just in a different location. There are still mouths you are responsible for feeding, diapers to change, faces to wipe, arguments to settle.
But whether you’re kids are young or old, you as the parent, can set the tone and pace of your vacation. I have two thoughts for you today on making traveling with kids special. These two thoughts are as much for your sanity as for the pleasure of your kids. So, here they are:
- Be Flexible.
Truth be told, this is not my strong-suit. But on vacation, you have to go with the flow. Even when your child goes the bathroom on you (which, yes, happened at our first rest stop) or your kids’ nap schedules are all off, there is something to be said for rolling with it.
Don’t worry if you’re kids don’t go to bed at the usual time or if they are eating all the foods you hoped they wouldn’t. You are on vacation. Relax and let it happen.

- Create an Attitude of Awe
When you’re on vacation, enjoy the opportunity to be excited by the little things. At the beach, we talked about how absolutely amazing God made the ocean and waves. Wow!
When we drove through the tunnels, you would have thought it was the coolest thing ever. Any new experience can be made more memorable by your attitude of awe and excitement. And it will be contagious to your kids!
Coming Next: THE MEMORIES OF VACATION: Traveling with Kids (Part Five)
Other Posts in this Series:
3,2,1 COUNTDOWN: Traveling with Kids (Part One)
THE STATE BORDER SONG: Traveling with Kids (Part Two)
BORDER BAGS: Traveling with Kids (Part Three)
MEMORIES OF VACATION: Traveling with Kids (Part Five)