Can I pack up and move in 2 weeks?

That is what I have begun asking myself.  Last week, we signed on a contract for our house (hooray!)  Last Friday was the inspection and by evening, that contingency was removed.

On Saturday, we had a family birthday party for the kids (lemonade party theme and I can’t wait to share it with you!) and today is my son’s friends party, bumped up from our originally planned date.  Yes, I must be crazy.  But you know I love parties…

The buyer of our house was interested in moving in as soon as possible and since we are going to be living with my mom while we build, we have a lot of flexibility.  So now I need to pack up as quickly as possible.

We are moving in less than two weeks.  And since I need all the time I can get to pack my house, I’ll be taking a brief break from blogging.

If you want to keep up on our journey, follow me on Instagram.  You can catch the highs and lows of leaving the house I brought my babies home to and the craziness of fitting all our belongings in a storage unit.  Oh, yikes!

See you in a few weeks!!